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Wellness Cleaning is committed to conducting our business in a responsible and sustainable manner. We recognize that our activities have a significant impact on the environment and acknowledge the urgency to reduce this impact. Therefore, we are dedicated to implementing environmentally conscious practices and pursuing continual improvement in our operations to promote environmental wellness.

Our sustainability and environmental policy is based on the following principles:

Environmental Ethics

We firmly believe that protecting the environment is crucial for the well-being of our planet and future generations. We are committed to conducting our business in an environmentally responsible manner that respects the environment and the communities in which we operate.

Continual Improvement

We are committed to continuously improving our environmental performance by setting specific targets and monitoring our progress. We will regularly review our environmental objectives and targets to ensure their relevance and achievability.

Pollution Prevention

We are dedicated to preventing pollution and reducing our environmental impact by minimizing waste and emissions. To achieve this, we will prioritize the use of environmentally friendly products and materials, strive to minimize energy consumption, and actively reduce our carbon footprint.

To effectively adhere to these principles, Wellness Cleaning will:


Comply with all relevant environmental legislation and regulations in each state or region where we operate.


Promote environmental awareness among our employees, our clients, and the communities in which we operate by providing training, education, and resources to foster environmentally responsible behavior.


Incorporate environmental considerations into our business decisions and day-to-day operations. This includes assessing the environmental impact of our activities, products, and services, and actively seeking environmentally sustainable alternatives.


Identify and proactively manage environmental risks and opportunities, taking appropriate measures to minimize negative impacts and capitalize on positive ones.


Monitor and report on our environmental performance regularly to ensure we meet our objectives and targets. We will maintain transparent communication with stakeholders, sharing our progress and seeking feedback.


Collaborate with our supply chain partners to improve their environmental performance. We will encourage the adoption of sustainable practices and work together to minimize the collective impact on the environment.

By following these commitments, Wellness Cleaning aims to continuously improve our environmental performance, reduce our ecological footprint, and contribute positively to environmental wellness.

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